What GLEE original song are you?
Glee personality quiz girls, From tears in our eyes (Get it right) To rolling about with amusement ("My cup") the blitheness aboriginal songs own a appropriate abode in our glee-loving hearts. The moment we heard our aboriginal aboriginal song, as articulate by rachel berry, it did what we didn't anticipate possible- Topped don't stop believing! But which blitheness aboriginal song discribes you? Which one is about your anthem? Find out in this quick quiz! And if you enjoyed this quiz, i've writen addition one, in case your interested.Glee personality quiz which character
User blog:Totaltinalover/Glee quiz- What mckingly bunch would YOU be in? By totaltinalover, aka me. :)
(PS there's no also-ran like me! (gasp) for the body reason, that's EVERYONE's anthem! :) )
Question 1- Your walking in the cafeteria of Mckingly high, bubbler your slushie, if al of a sudden you atom a babe who you abhorrence (Think of your absolute activity affliction enemey), in the calefaction of the moment, you slushie her. And she runs off crying. You feel so bad. What do you do?:
A- You candidly don't care. In actuality your triumphant. (Well- we're cerebration of our REAL LIFE affliction enemies- aren't we?)
B- Abhorrence yourself for accepting so cruel, and adjudge you charge some "Alone time" to anticipate about what you did and why. (Despite antisocial her)
C- Run afterwards her, cogent her it was just a antic and you didn't anticipate it would agitated her so much. Offer her a slushie (Payed for by you) as a peace-present. (Depsite antisocial her)
D- Apoligise appropriate away, cogent her it was amiss and brainless of you. Pass her a tissue, admonition her apple-pie herself off, and accord her a abundance hug. (Despite antisocial her)
Question 2- Your a affiliate of Mr. Schuester's blitheness club. A adolescent affiliate has been accustomed a abandoned at sectionals, and is afraid of assuming as Quinn is strech-marks. (stage-fright) She asks you for advice. Your advice?-
A- "Well, if you don't wish the solo, i'll be blessed to yield it for you."
B- "Just try your best.....I'm sorry, but there's not abundant abroad you can do but plan hard, recognise your mistakes and apprentice from them."
C- "Smile. The board like smiley people. Did you apperceive that absolute cerebration has been accepted to advance a achievement by 10 percent? It makes the admirers feel added blessed and airy if you do."
D- "Put affect into it. Feel the music and acquire to the lyrics. Sing it as admitting it's accident to you. Annihilation affliction than a dead performance."
Question 3- Your assuming a abandoned for blitheness club's nationals, but you wish to aroma it up a bit, accomplish it a little bit added interesting. How do you do so?
A- Your cerebration Your name in big lights and aback up singers in analogous outfits- harmonising abaft you.
B- Your cerebration blurred date with a individual spot-light on you. and afresh smoke machines for a addictive effect.
C- Your cerebration instead of application a cd, Application LIVE instruments (EG guitar) and your animated face on a big awning on the stage. Because who doesn't wish to see you smile?
D- You don't charge any of that. Your articulation is acceptable abundant not to charge any brainless effects.
Question 4- Whats your motto? (Out of the ones below)
A- "If you don't acquire in yourself- Whos traveling to acquire in you?"
B- "A absurdity doesn't become a aberration until you debris to actual it."
C- "Dance. Laugh. Play. sleep. And repeat."
D- "Trust your heart. No puns, adumbration or jokes can empathise that."
Question 5- Glee-clubs accepting over-crowded. And abandoned the a lot of accomplished humans could stay. You, abandoned with ur....0 added humans acquire been kicked off blitheness club. You?:
A- Tell mr.Schue your actual talented, and that you'll accumulate agitation about bent until your accustomed aback on. Oh yeah, and GET YOUR ANGRY DIVA ON!!!
B- Your (naturally) upset. But you acquire what happened, and practise for a audience song....To reaudition next year, if their recruiting again.
C- acknowledge Mr.schue for all the fun times you've had in blitheness club, and attending for a new appearance choir to accompany which will exhausted New directions, your appealing sad, but if a aperture is bankrupt a window is opened!
D- Your activity a accomplished ambit of affections from devastated to angry. But your not absolutely a aggregation amateur at the end of the day. Your a soloist, and consistently will be. You apperceive you'll still accomplish it as a star, and absolve it off.

Mostly As- Your blitheness aboriginal song is Hell to the no!
Your a loud n' appreciative being who won't authority your argot if you acquire something to say (Or sing). Your no back artist, and apperceive that your abode is centermost stage- wheather that be in accurate or metathorical terms. You adore annihilation bigger than humans to acquire to you, and attending up to you. Confident as you are though, humans still try and change your aces self. Your abiding and alarming reply- "HELL TO THE NO!"
Mostly Bs- Your blitheness aboriginal song is Get it right!
Despite abode too abundant on the past, you are a amiable person. You are calmly hurt, but at the aforementioned time, actual strong. You apprentice from your mistakes, and even if you struggle, you get through it. All you absolutely wish is for your accompany and ancestors to be happy, but sometimes that comes at a price. Your intentions may be good- but your accomplishments may be terrible. But hey, who said we were all perfect?
Mostly Cs- Your blitheness aboriginal song is My cup!
Just like Britney's harmonies, you are cheerful, animated and optimistic. You apperceive as continued as you acquire your friends.....and ur, cup, things will about-face out all-right. Your a aggregation amateur of ballsy standards. Ok, so conceivably accepting satistfaction out of accidental altar is a bit weird, but AWESOMELY weird. So grab a accidental being in the street, ball with them and scream "MY CUP" with pride! (WARNING- this apprenticeship is metathorical, about dancing with anyone may could cause panic, accent and truama.)
Mostly Ds- Your blitheness aboriginal song is as continued as your there!
Glee personality quiz girls
Love. instincts. Dupe yourself. You amount these elements added than a glee-cd. And yes, i do accede these three elements are aswell absolutely cheesy. The point is though, you are loyal, honest and will consistently do what you anticipate is right. In reality, you apperceive that if by dupe your gut aptitude may aftereffect in a ballsy fail Glee personality quiz girls, but you'll acquire a lot of fun accepting there. As jesse st.Jame would say "I acquire my hat off to you!"
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