Sunday, December 4, 2011

Speed Drug Slang

speed drug slang

What are artery names/slang names of heroin, cocaine and added narcotics?


More about alcoholism and biologic addiction.

A-bomb: aggregate of marijuana with heroin

Atom Bomb: see A-bomb

ã-10: ã-hydroxybutyrat (GHB)

Acapulco Gold: marijuana

Acid: LSD


Alley juice: nonbeverage isopropyl and methyl alcohol

Amytal: amobarbital

Angel Dust: PCP

Babtists Communion: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Base: cocaine chargeless base

Bash: Hash

Barbs: barbiturates

Bennies: amphetamines/speed

Beverage: alcohol

Bhang: marijuana

Billy: speed

Black Beauties: amphetamine/speed

Black Tar: heroin

Blotter Acid: LSD

Blotters: LSD

Blow: cocaine

Bluebirds: barbiturates

Blues: barbiturates

Blue-Bottle: nitrous oxide

Bombitas: aggregate of heroin with amphetamines

Booze: alcohol

Brew: alcohol

Burgers: ecstasy

Butisol: butabarbital

Butts: tobacco

"C": cocaine

Café: caffeine

Cafergot: aggregate of caffeine with ergotamine

Cancer Sticks: tobacco

Cannabis Sativa: Latin name of the edger from which Marijuana and Hasch is made

Cat Valium: ketamine

Charlie: cocaine

Chasing the dragon: smoker (vapor)

Cherry Meth: ã-hydroxybutyrate

China White: heroin (or analogs of constructed narcotics)

Chocolate: contains caffeine

Cigs: tobacco

Circes: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Circles: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Cocoa: contains caffeine

Coffee: seeds of Coffea arabica with caffeine as alive ingredient

Coke: cocaine

Colombian: marijuana

Concentrated Resin: marijuana (concentrated adhesive form)

Copilots: amphetamines/speed

Cough medicine: contains alcohol

Crack: cocaine chargeless base

Crank: amphetamines

Crystal: PCP or amphetamines/speed

Desoxyn: amphetamines/speed Dexedrine: amphetamines/speed

Dexies: amphetamines/speed

Devil's Dandruff: cocaine

Diet pills (Rx): amphetamines

Disco Biscuits: ecstasy

Dolly: methadone

Dope: marijuana

Dots: LSD

Dough: marijuana

Doves: ecstasy

Downers: barbiturates

Dust: heroin

Dynamite: aggregate of cocaine with heroin

Easy Lay: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Eccies: ecstasy

Echoes: ecstasy


Espresso: caffeine

Eye openers: amphetamines/speed

Fantasy: beatitude or ã-hydroxybutyrate

Fiorinal: aggregate of amobarbital and secobarbital with anemic heroin and methamphetamine

Flake: cocaine

Forget it: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Forget-me-pill: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Forget-me-now: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Free-base: cocaine chargeless base

French fries: able cocaine (free abject cocaine)ã-10: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Ganja: marijuana

Gas: Nitrous Oxide Georgia Home Boy: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Get Roached: to be beneath the access of flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

GHB: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Glue: inhalant

Goofball: barbiturates

Gook: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Grass: marijuanaGrievous Bodily Harm: ã-hydroxybutyrate

G-riffick: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Guarana: caffeine

Guaranine: caffeine "H": heroin

Hash: marijuana (concentrated adhesive form)

Hashish: marijuana

Hashish Oil: marijuana

Hemp: marijuana

Home-Grown: marijuana

Honey Oil: marijuana

Horse: heroin

Hug Drug: ecstasy

Indian: marijuana

Indica: marijuana

Jamaican: marijuana

Jive: marijuana

Joint: marijuana

Juice: alcohol

Junk: heroin

K: ketamine

Ket: ketamine

Killer Weed: aggregate of marijuana with PCP


Laughing Gas: nitrous oxide

Lid poppers: amphetamines/speed

Liquid-E: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Liquid-G: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Liquid Incense: butyl nitrite

Liquid-X: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Locker Room: butyl nitrite

Look-alike Amphetamine: aggregate of caffeine with PPA and ephedrine


Ludes: methaqualone

Luminal: phenobarbital

"M": morphine

Magic Mushrooms: psilocybin

Mainlining: band-aid injected into bloodstream

Marching Powder: cocaine

Mary Jane: marijuana

Maui-Wowie: marijuana

Meth: amphetamines/speed

Mexican: marijuana

Mexican Mud: heroin

Mexican Valium: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Microdots: LSD

Morf: morphine

Mouthwash: contains alcohol

MPPP: analogs of constructed narcotics

MPTP: analogs of constructed narcotics

Natural Stimulant: caffeine

Nature's Quaalude: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Nembutal: pentobarbital

Nitrous: nitrous oxide

O J : aggregate of marijuana with opium

Organic Quaalude: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Panama Gold: marijuana

Panama Red: marijuana

PCP: phencyclidine

Peace Pill: PCP

Pearl-Flake: cocaine

PEPAP: analogs of constructed narcotics

Pep-Pill: caffeine OR amphetamines/speed

Peruvian Marching Powder: cocaine

Peyote: mescaline

Peyote Buttons: mescaline (peyote cactus)

Poppers: butyl nitrite

Pot: marijuana

R-2: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

R-2-Do-U: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Ragweed: marijuana

Readyrock: able cocaine (free abject cocaine)

Reefer: marijuana

Rib: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Roach: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Roche: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Rock: cocaine chargeless base

Rohypnol: flunitrazepam

Roofies: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Room Deodorizer: butyl nitrite

Rope: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Ropies: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Rophy: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Ro-Shay: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Ruff up: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Ruffies: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Rufflels: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Run-Trip-and-Fall: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Rush: butyl nitrite Salty Water: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Sauce: alcohol

Scag: heroin

Schoolboy: codeine

Scoop: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Seconal: secobarbital

Sexual Assault drug: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) or ã-hydroxybutyrate

Shit: Heroin

Shrooms: psilocybin

Sinse: marijuana

Sinsemilla: marijuana

Skin-popping: injected beneath skin

Skunk: marijuana brand

Smack: heroin

mokes: tobacco

Snorting: sniffing (powder)

Snow: cocaine

Soap: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Soap bar: Hashish

Solvent: inhalant

Somatomax: ã-hydroxybutyrate

Sopor: methaqualone

Special K: ketamine

Speed: amphetamines

Speedball: aggregate of cocaine with heroin

Spice: aggregate of spices and syntehetic cannaboids

Stardust: cocaineSticks: marijuana

Stiva: marijuana

Supergrass: aggregate of marijuana with PCP

Synthetic Heroin: analogs of constructed narcotics

Tabs: LSD

Tea: leaves of Thea sinesis (term sometimes acclimated for marijuana or PCP)

Thai-sticks: see "Sticks"

THC: The capital alive additive in Cannabis/Marijuana/Hasch

Three-inch Sticks: able cocaine (free abject cocaine)

Toking: The act of inhaling Marijuana

Toot: Cocaine

Tooties: barbiturates

Transmission Fluid: inhalant

Trips: LSD

Tuinal: amobarbital and secobarbital with butalbital, aspirin, and caffeine

Typewriter Correction Fluid: inhalant

Ups: amphetamines (or nonprescription stimulants)

Uppers: amphetamines (or nonprescription stimulants)

Vino: alcohol

Vitamin K: ketamine

Wake-ups: amphetamines/speed

Weed: marijuana

Weed Oil: marijuana

Whippitts: nitrous oxide

White Stuff: morphine

Whiz-bang: aggregate of cocaine with heroin OR cocaine with morphine

Whizz: speed

Windowpane: LSDXTC: MDMA, Ecstasy

Yellow-Jackets: barbiturates

Yerba mate: caffeine from leaves of ilex paraguariensis

Zonked: ã-hydroxybutyrate

714's: methaqualone

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